Q. How do I install my own Web Page on Rebel?

To install a web page create a directory, in your home directory, named 'www', give it world execute permission and install a file named index.html.  You must also ensure your home directory has world execute access.  You can do this with ftp, thus:

	$ ftp rebel
	ftp> chmod 711 .
	ftp> mkdir www
	ftp> chmod 711 www
	ftp> put index.html
	ftp> quit

Q. How much time do I get each day, week or month?

You get a fair share, whatever that means.  Right now we think 'fair share' means that if the modems are free, you can use them as long as you like; but when all modems are in use, the person who has used the most time for the week must logoff.

Most subscribers don't want to log on for hours each day, which leaves the modems free a lot of the time for those people who do.  We expect that you can enjoy at least 2 hours per day up to 10 hours per week, and then if the modems are all full, you should give someone else a go.

Remember: If there's an unused modem then feel free to stay online for as long as you like!

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